Recent content by SmokezAlot

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  2. SmokezAlot

    King's Banner XIII, Moby Dick, Purple Kush Auto

    Today the King's Banner received her last feeding. She will come down in 3 weeks the 9th of January. This journal and journey is almost over. I am moving on to my Pheno Finder Seeds Star Cake grow. Its time I start putting my attention to that grow as I also have 2 rooted clones from her. Anyhow...
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  6. SmokezAlot

    King's Banner XIII, Moby Dick, Purple Kush Auto

    This clone is coming along nicely. As of today she has 3 weeks left to live. I will take a clone from her next weekend for future clones and breeding's. Her clone will be featured over at the cloning thread. This girl was a pleasure to grow as her mother was. I am looking forward to working with...
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  10. SmokezAlot

    King's Banner XIII, Moby Dick, Purple Kush Auto

    Here is a look at the Moby Dick clone she is doing great. It has been a while since my last post, updating is over due. This girl is wide as outside she is a big girl. She will be a beast when she reaches late flower. I still don't have a camera to call my own. I am using my daughters camera...
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  15. SmokezAlot

    King's Banner XIII, Moby Dick, Purple Kush Auto

    Okay got my hands on my daughters camera. Offered her a 1/8 of some primo to borrow her camera until I order one. Been looking on ebay can get the same camera I had for 1/2 the price used. So I'm happy about that I can afford to replace my camera. Well enough about me lets get to the reason why...
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