Recent content by socialsuicide

  1. S

    Backyard grow needs advice

    Ok so how do you correct too much potassium. I understand your criticism of molasses but I need to know how to correct my error. I'm not being ignorant at all I just need a solution to my error
  2. S

    Backyard grow needs advice

    No kidding. What I want to know is what type of harm have I done and is it possible to correct the damage I have done.
  3. S

    I have a Def-Con 4 situation

    Thanks. So how do I correct this pH issue, is it high or low due to the molasses. What's the safest way?
  4. S

    Backyard grow needs advice

    Ok this has zero to do with over watering you don't need to even grow Dope to know about over watering. I have been watering my plant daily for 3 months and it hasn't been an issue. The only thing I have differently is add molasses. Leaves do not curl when dry they droop.
  5. S

    I have a Def-Con 4 situation

    This is not an issue of watering. If I don't water it daily it dries out and the leaves droop as opposed to what they are doing now which is curling.
  6. S

    I have a Def-Con 4 situation

    Yep unsulphured. I read a fair bit about molasses and didn't come across anything like what has happened to me. Its definitely the molasses that has caused the issue.
  7. S

    I have a Def-Con 4 situation

    No chance of over watering my plant as its in a large pot that dries out daily therefore requiring daily watering. Why would the leaves curl?, why has my plant changed dramatically within hours. It still looks the same today maybe a touch worse. I'm now watering with pure water to try and flush...
  8. S

    Backyard grow needs advice

    Ok so I have for the time being fucked my plant with molasses. I had used it for 4 days adding 3 tablespoons to a 9lts bucket and watered it every day for 4 days. Yesterday I did my usual watering and 3 or 4 hrs later all the leaves curled. Please help me correct it, my ignorance has hurt my...
  9. S

    I have a Def-Con 4 situation

    Ok so I'm new to back yard growing. My plant was doing really well then I read about using molasses and for the last 4 days I have put 3 table in a 9 ltr bucket and watered my plant daily. All was great up until yesterday, I had watered it using the molasses and 3 or 4 hrs later my plant looked...
  10. too much molasses

    too much molasses

    after 4 days of using molasses
  11. too much molasses

    too much molasses

    after 4 days of using molasses
  12. too much molasses

    too much molasses

    after 4 days of using molasses
  13. too much molasses

    too much molasses

    after 4 days of using molasses
  14. S

    Backyard grow needs advice

    ...."but might make things worse. PLANTS DO NOT UPTAKE SUGARS!"..........ahhh ok, but how can this negatively affect my plant. If its a waste of time then that's ok, but if molasses can hurt my plant I need to know why.
  15. S

    Backyard grow needs advice

    Why would you avoid molasses? And I have listed the content of the 'thrive' that I'm now using, what's your opinion?
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