Recent content by SouthernBuds

  1. SouthernBuds

    Burnt pistills

    You got that right weasel there's a time and place for spraying plants with bug . spray and that's not when the temperature gets up past 28c or when they're in direct sunlight or when they are stressed . or flowering .. Always use the least amount to get the desired affect and always ask someone...
  2. SouthernBuds

    Myxo's - Coco Coir - Purple Kush - 2016

    Just just started new watering cycle from 5lt every 3 days to 5lt every 2, keep you posted. I learned today that keeping coco coir alot wetter gives me better oxygen content (30%) because your never stop learning in life. Thanks my brothers and sisters .... Sent from my iPhone using 420...
  3. SouthernBuds

    Myxo's - Coco Coir - Purple Kush - 2016

    Hi fellas just passing long enough to read entire thread and have always been a water when dry grower but because you should NEVER STOP LEARNING I have gained some more insights for growing, thanks BedroomFarmer Myxomatosis will now put into practice and get back with my observations . Sent...
  4. SouthernBuds

    Spam? Not sure where to put this

    Yes I concur Deville very very annoying Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App
  5. SouthernBuds

    White & yellow leaf spots

    Hi Steve, Just like the KingstonRabbi said you got in early, always try to anticipate. I use Eco Neem Oil on the girls outside and inside and at times have been quite liberal with it and never once has it caused me any problems other then keeping the bugs away. Use it nearly everyday outside...
  6. SouthernBuds

    Sponsored Grow - Goliath & The Beast Auto Topping

    Thanks beast that's what I was hoping to hear . merry x man ... Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App
  7. SouthernBuds

    Sponsored Grow - Goliath & The Beast Auto Topping

    Hi thebeast27, arrived late m8 but love your work . will be following your grow skills intently .. Just wondering m8 would you recommend LED over conventional lamps? Just trying to beat the heat in summer without a ac in your tent when running conventional lamps is difficult in Oz summer ...
  8. SouthernBuds

    Seeds to Oz?

    Has anybody had any success getting seeds sent to Australia,they say they ship to Ozz but do they get to their destination? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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