Recent content by SoyBeing

  1. S

    First grow - Anxious about harvesting

    Yeah I couldn't believe it, I've been obsessively checking for any bananas because it seems so unlikely but I haven't seen a single plant that looks suspicious (so far, touch wood). I'll keep checking them and do my best not to stress them, they're pretty comfortably set-up now so I don't bother...
  2. S

    First grow - Anxious about harvesting

    Thanks for the advice, I keep seeing conflicting opinions on the pistil colour's relevance in ripeness but they are still super fresh looking so I'm happy to wait until they at least don't look so white, and I have plenty of plants flowering so I'm not too limited in ability to test plants as...
  3. S

    First grow - Anxious about harvesting

    Thank you Fertilizer! I've been testing some sugar leaves in a vape and they've been doing a pretty decent job so I guess it's pretty safe to say there's plenty of thc hanging around in there regardless, I guess I was just concerned because most of the trichs were cloudy but the buds seemed so...
  4. S

    First grow - Anxious about harvesting

    Hi folks, So as the title says this is my first grow and I somehow ended up with 25 plants from bag seeds, none of which I expected to survive, all of which did and all of which ended up being female. They're growing outside in Australian summer weather right now and I'm keeping a close...
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