Recent content by SpaceGrinders

  1. S

    Greetings from

    Hey gang .. just wanted to say that our new site is up and running and there are some really good deals on right now. Check them out and let me know if you have any questions or comments about the new site! Thanks from
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    Greetings from

    Hello fellow green heads and greeting from North Vancouver, BC Canada. SpaceGrinders (AKA TrueBlendz Culinary Products) is proud to join the 420 magazine community forum and would love to offer our advice, suggestions and hear you ideas for anything 'nug' related ;-) SpaceGrinders started...
  3. S

    Closet Growing - Air Flow

    Yeah I could do that ... i was thinkning of just having the exhaust suck from right beside or above the light ... not making it fully inclosed but realtively. And having the ballast outside the room, and as well , have an intake from my room (which is behind the closet) into the grow area ...
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    Miracle Gro liquid nutes

    Props! nice work on re-viving the plants! :peace:
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    CLear Eyes for me .. I heard visine has bleach in it .. eek... LoL ... post a link to the product .. LoL
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    Miracle Gro liquid nutes

    Not a problem. I;ve beenr reading it all day! Some really good ideas in there for cooling your HPS lights, making an ebb flow system, LOTS! Enjoy, I have!
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    Miracle Gro liquid nutes

    Ahh ok, thanks. My buddy does dirt and never checks his pH levels. Always worked for him. I'm too paranoid about that sort of stuff and have to know ..
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    Miracle Gro liquid nutes

    Vinter: Would you say that would be the case for Hydro as well ? I am looking to do one ebb/flow show, but dont want to spend the $$ on a ph tester ... but know I eventually will ..
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    Room Temp problem

    Where is you ballast located ? In the room or outside ?
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    Room Temp problem

    How did this end up working for you ? I am starting a show in a small space as well and was worried about the heat. I will be running 400 HPS in a 2x3x6 area. Looking to do an ebb/flow system ... hoping it wont get too humide and hot. Initially I thought of going with a 105 CFM Exhaust (computer...
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    Miracle Gro liquid nutes

    Not true. The pH is relative to the type of growing you are doing. If it is in soil , whcih can adapt very easily, you can get way from 5.7 - 6.5. if it;s in hydro you would want it at thew lower end of that spectrum. 7.0 PH is way to high!!!
  12. S

    Post Pics of Closet / Small Space Ops

    Well it looks like my area is smaller then i thought. It's 2x3'. So I;ve come up with this: Ebb Flow system, flood tray (hopefully hold 10 plants), scrog techinque (once they get bigger), 3x4 inch fans - 105 CFM (exhaust, intake, and one blowing over the little guys). ANything else?
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    Post Pics of Closet / Small Space Ops

    I think i will only use the space as a one stage closet as I am worried about heat, and will have clones instead of seedlings. Autopot ? Anyone ?
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    Post Pics of Closet / Small Space Ops

    Has anyone heard of the smartvalve ? The one that is used with the autopot ? I was reading some interesting info on this little gadget and was wondering if anyone knew how many plants it could feed ?
  15. S

    Post Pics of Closet / Small Space Ops

    Thanks for the feedback and advice. Yeah there's a crawl space just above me, so venting should be fine. Now the question is: Hydro or Soil ? I;ve never done hydro before, but I have a lot of experience with soil. Soil seems much easier to control if anything goes wrong, while in hydro, one day...
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