Recent content by Spidey213

  1. S

    New Member Start Links

    Hi everyone I have been looking forward to joining a great community like this for some time now "my people" lol. I'm not a bigginner but by far not an experienced grower, I have been growing for about 5 years now. I'm an outside grower I have attempted to grow inside but it's too expensive in...
  2. Flower stage

    Flower stage

  3. S

    Help I can't seem to get her back on track!

    Well I would start off with a real good flush like 10 gallons per plant, the soil might be very acidic. You don't have a ppm meter you should consider getting a ph tester they have them at Amazon for like 10 bucks don't have to be an expensive one. And consider giving them 5.5 to 6.0 which is...
  4. S

    How much smell do 3 small plants actually produce?

    This is true like my chick told me 5 years ago when I started growing in a spare room it won't smell that bad I told her she said fine. Well 4 plants later and a few months later she told me honey I can't stand the smell in this house my mother think we stay high 24/7, so come with me she showed...
  5. S

    How much smell do 3 small plants actually produce?

    If you fart in you're room it will stink up you're hole room imagine 3 plants, the answer is yes it will stink up you're room and you're house specially with out the proper ventilation. Imagine a fart that just won't away I mean the kind that even opening the windows won't help. So what you have...
  6. S

    O.G. Kush went to seed!

    That's one positive way to look at it lol.
  7. S

    Help I can't seem to get her back on track!

    You're plants are stressed out what I would do is give them a real good flush and stop giving them nutes for a wile about 2 weeks, see if that gets them looking any better. What's the ph levels on the water you're giving them?
  8. S

    Yellow leaves and clawing

    They definitely stressed out you can see it from the purple stems, a proper flush maybe stop using nutrients for a bit will get those levels looking right again. Putting them on a 12/12 cycle could get them back in shape during there flowering stage.
  9. S

    Severe rusting on edge of leaves

    Or maybe not properly flushing???
  10. S

    My experience with the Bonza Seed Bank

    Have you tried "AMS" I have purchased seeds from them and they have a great service as for the duds you get that's just the way it goes. Seed banks won't guarente you get all female you have to figure if you get 50/50 females that's a good day. Tho some placed if you get all males or at least...
  11. Gorilla Glue side

    Gorilla Glue side

  12. Gorilla Glue

    Gorilla Glue

  13. S

    Male or female or is it too soon to tell

    Just like that look I'll take a picture of my "Grandaddy Purple" it's small but growing great and take in Mind my plant is only less than a month old. We'll never mind I have no clue how to add a picture.
  14. S

    Male or female or is it too soon to tell

    Yes they cut out too much light and you get less aeration I can't take a picture of mine now course it's dark and I don't grow inside I grow outside so you can see the difference.
  15. S

    Male or female or is it too soon to tell

    Topping it won't make it unatuaral it will just make the plant shorter and bushy which will give you a bigger yield I'll take a picture of my "Gorilla Glue" tomorrow that I did top as a seedling short and bushy has a lot of colas, looking to get a nice yeled out of her.
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