Recent content by Steppenwulfe

  1. S

    1st Grow 2013 - Dominican Republic - Bag Seed - Unknown Strain

    am in DR and I learned after spending my last $20 on shitty pot how strict the laws are. Does anyone know if its safe to sneak it past customs in a sock? Are DR customs and TSA looking for drugs? I don't really have a way to smoke it here and the idea of just tossing $20 sucks... but I might...
  2. S

    Laws in Dominican Republic or Jamaica on weed

    I am in DR and I learned after spending my last $20 on shitty pot how strict the laws are. Does anyone know if its safe to sneak it past customs in a sock? Are DR customs and TSA looking for drugs? I don't really have a way to smoke it here and the idea of just tossing $20 sucks... but I might...
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