Recent content by Stickynuggs

  1. Stickynuggs

    Becoming a Medical Marijuana Patient in Illinois

    Rather have a good MMJ Blaze than a gun. MMJ is fun and good all the time. LOL
  2. Stickynuggs

    First Time Grower

    Not one person can know everything. A lot of people know a lot more. When it comes to a good grow. Do lots of reading. I'm still learning.
  3. Stickynuggs

    What the Medical Marijuana Debate Is Really About

    I have a big passion for this plant. I've seen it in myself. Severe pain, chronic dizziness this stuff helps. You don't need to get all trashed to get the help. A few puffs here a few puffs there. My TEN count pain is down to ZERO in about a few minutes at that. It makes me sad and very...
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