Recent content by Stoneyshmitty

  1. S

    Horrible smell coming from grow tent - Please help

    I have a small 2' x 3' x 5' grow tent with 4 young clones. Was watering today and all the sudden noticed a horrible smell, honestly like concentrated farts. Filled up the whole room. I had a jar with soap/water in there to catch bugs, thought it might be that and took it out. There was also a...
  2. S

    Newly transplanted clones wilting

    They are all short indicas btw, 2 fire og, 1 banana og, 1 kandy kush. Kept it small
  3. S

    Newly transplanted clones wilting

    Thanks! Ill update in a few days to let you know if it did the trick, Im going to try the clear cup trick for the next 24hrs or so and see if that helps too. Also- any quick advice on space? My tent is 3' x 2' x 5'- is 4 clones too much? Ive only grown from seed so am not sure, thinking of using...
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    Newly transplanted clones wilting

    Thanks- so maybe I underwatered? The soil itself had a decent moistness to it to begin with, but maybe I just need to add more water? I did primarily just give it about a cup of water near the middle, thinking thats where the roots were.
  5. S

    Newly transplanted clones wilting

    They were in rockwool when I got them, rooted, and I immediately transplanted them into a basic organic potting soil.
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    Newly transplanted clones wilting

    Here are a couple pics
  7. image9025


  8. image9024


  9. S

    Newly transplanted clones wilting

    Hey everyone- so I just started my first grow using clones. I have 4 clones, different strains. 2 days after transplant the two smaller ones are starting to wilt, one of them very badly. I have given them all about a cup of water a day, maybe a little less. They are in a grow tent, and Im using...
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