Recent content by Storm Crow

  1. S

    Dumbest idea ever? Male flower joint

    It all depends on the male's genetics! "In addition, the present study establishes that male plants, often considered deficient in delta-9-THC, contain levels of the same order as those recorded for female plants, both in the leaves and in the tops." From “Cultivation of Cannabis sativa L. in...
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    Scientists Gave Fish Marijuana To See If It Would Make Them Relax

    They should have tried CBD! It is far more calming!
  3. S

    New 2016 Granny Storm Crow's List

    I haven’t been around for a while, but I haven’t forgotten you! I have been working on my List and keeping busy educating folks about cannabis in various ways. Anyway, with a little help from a good friend, "Old Hippie" (at the “Beyond Chronic” blog), I have got the List on the Cloud! What's...
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    A Review Of Internet-Based Home Drug-Testing Products For Parents

    Things are going just fine! I am working on the 2014 version of the List- it is over 1,420 pages now! And there was a rather interesting abstract at PubMed! It is the first study where RSO (aka "Cannabinoid resin extract") is in the spot-light that I have seen! And it is described as an...
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    A Review Of Internet-Based Home Drug-Testing Products For Parents

    Just wanted to thank you for posting up those full studies! :thanks: I just HATE it when a journal changes their mind and make a free study into a "pay per view". Your posting up the full studies has allowed a lot of folks to have access to them! :goodjob: Granny Storm Crow
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    Arizona To Consider Adding PTSD To Medical Marijuana Quallifications

    Cannabis is essential for folks suffering from PTSD! "THC interacted with emotional content, as activity in this network was reduced for negative content, while activity for positive content was increased. " That quote is from "The endocannabinoid system and emotional processing: A...
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    Industrial Hemp Issue Needs Further Study, Stumbo Says

    From way back in 1938, when a billion dollars was a fair chunk of change.... New Billion Dollar Crop (news — 1938) What would one billion 1938 dollars translate to in 2013 dollars? Well, back then, you...
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    Genetic Differences In Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-Induced Facilitation

    The genetic differences in the human endocannabinoid system is a rapidly growing field! These may interest you! A common polymorphism in the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CNR1) gene is associated with antipsychotic-induced weight gain in Schizophrenia. (full — 2010) A Common Polymorphism in...
  9. S

    Mad Cow Disease! An opportunity for legalizing cannabis

    I'm glad I could help, even in a small way! You need to eat wild salmon- it has Omega 3 in it. The farmed salmon has far less than the wild. If you must eat beef, get grass-fed beef! It is less likely to be filled with antibiotics and hormones and grass has a trace of Omega 3 in it- the...
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    Mad Cow Disease! An opportunity for legalizing cannabis

    Hon, I am so sorry to say that after that one promising study NOTHING further has been done about CBD and prion diseases. And more bad news, most "smoking cannabis" is very low in CBD, but strains with CBD are being sold now. Does your area have "ditch weed", feral cannabis? It is often much...
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    Mad Cow Disease! An opportunity for legalizing cannabis

    Are you willing to be an activist? Do a little (easy) work to help get cannabis legal? This news article, or ones like it, will be soon be showing up in your local online paper. Mad cow case confirmed in California | The Lookout - Yahoo! News Horrible as that headline is, this could be a...
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    Medical Marijuana Advocate: A Hundred "Weed Warriors"

    In one of the more recent polls, 50% of the folks said they agreed with legal MMJ. The long term trend is for increasing support for medical cannabis. When I started toking in the 60s, there wasn't even the concept of medical use, beyond a few mentions of it as an ethno-botanical medicine in...
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    Hello, I'm Granny Storm Crow!

    I work in education. I am 64 years old, married, female and I collect medical marijuana studies- LOTS of them! When I was 3, another child (about 5/6 years old) snapped, and tried quite hard to murder me with a hammer. I was left with some long scars on my scalp that still ache occasionally...
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    New study on ELISA

    Zinc Reduces the Detection of THC by ELISA Urine Testing. (abst — 2011) We need 8 to 11 mg of zinc daily; over 40 mg/day can cause zinc poisoning. Abstract Federal workplace drug testing was initiated during the late 1980s. Since then, numerous methods have been employed to subvert...
  15. S

    The Omega 3 / CB1 connnection.

    I gather MMJ studies from PubMed and medical journals. I came across something important for the medical community, and maybe even for you "recreational stoners", too! Everyone knows about the circulatory system, and the digestive system- they are pretty obvious to the naked eye. But there...
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