Recent content by strat

  1. S

    Abstain From Lying About Mary Jane

    I think you should only lie about your usage when your career or freedom hangs in the balance of an outcome of a sudden uncontrollable developing problem such as police questioning or career moves. I have absolutely no problem lying to accomplish this. Politicians lie about far worse things...
  2. S

    Joint preference?

    I used to prefer a pipe, but now prefer joints. I can control my intake more easily with a joint, and a joint is easier to transport or get rid of in an emergency such as seeing cops. If your pipe smoke tasts different, you might need to clean it. Baked resin in pipes can taste pretty nasty...
  3. S

    420 Magazine Officially Celebrates 4/20/2008

    Happy 420 to everybody. :cool::grinjoint:
  4. S

    would you like to wake and bake with me?

    Love that wake and bake.:grinjoint:
  5. S

    UN: Chile Leads Region In Marijuana Consumption

    Neural atrophy? I'm thinking bullshit. Value-laden language with questionable facts.
  6. S

    New member

    Hi all, I've been a lurker for a while, but just signed up. I've been smoking for several years, and consider MJ one of the things in life that I really look forward to, in addition to my family and my guitar!! Anyway, hope to see some of you around.
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