Recent content by TerryS

  1. TerryS

    New 420 Art

    I've taken animation classes and done some... 3d animation I did using the maya program. a lot of the graphics programs can also make animations. I recently got an email saying to learn how to use adobe after effects for animation but I didn't go... I made a simple animation in illustrator in...
  2. TerryS

    New 420 Art

    I have some but I can't post attachments. I'm thinking to make marijuana more of a focus for my art though, so it's like a political statement and stuff. Also I think it would be fun. I wish I were a farmer then I could get some really good sketches :(
  3. TerryS

    Epilepsy Patients Are Smoking Pot

    I have had epilepsy for ten years now, and with increased marijuana use the frequency and severity of seizures is abolished. It doesn't help if you toke up every once in a while though, you have to use it quite a lot, every day, especially depending on the severity of your seizures. my seizures...
  4. TerryS

    Downregulation Of The CB1 Cannabinoid Receptor And Related Molecular Elements

    I found this really interesting because my epilepsy is considered "idiopathic" as in they don't know what causes it, and now it's like they've figured it out, messed up brain pot (a fun nickname). They still won't just give me tons of pot to smoke though.
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