Recent content by That1grower91

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  3. That1grower91

    Trimming fan leaves

    I pinch them as close to the main branch as possible and carefully twist off just how I do it
  4. That1grower91

    Blue Domina

    Thanks man I'm hoping they all are starting to get really bushyyyy with fat ass stems
  5. That1grower91

    Blue Domina

    Pics of how my baby is growing
  6. That1grower91

    My 4 Babies In Veg Right Now

    Only running 2 lights right now tho 3rd one will be in later when the trellis is more filled
  7. That1grower91

    My 4 Babies In Veg Right Now

    Got my 4 baby's all in coco with a 10ft by. 5ft trellis I'm tryin to fill up with just these 4 see how well this goes under 3 1000 watt lights
  8. That1grower91

    My 4 Babies In Veg Right Now

  9. That1grower91

    Can you identify this problem?

    Fan leaves hold nutrients in it for the plant so if the plants not getting the nutrients it needs the fan leaves start letting off the nutrients it's storing to help the plant get the nuts and the fan leaves discolor and die off starting from the bottom up
  10. That1grower91

    Can you identify this problem?

    It looks like a nitro deficiency
  11. That1grower91

    Will 35 year old seeds sprout

    I use alittle kelp and super thrive Nd soak a napkin with that Nd then put the seeds in the napkin then in a baggie ever since I started doing that my germination ratio boosted up so much even on seeds I had for 4 years did 50 of them and 46 sprouted that just my technique tho !!
  12. That1grower91

    The New Babies

    Update one the seedlings
  13. That1grower91

    Coco problems

    I grow in coco for me personally I ph my mix or my regular water to 5.9 the plants seem to love it
  14. That1grower91

    Trimming fan leaves

    I agree with the above ☝️ every 3 days I'm in my room going around cutting off all the big fan leaves blocking lighting
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