Recent content by The Mad Toker

  1. The Mad Toker

    Lets talk rolling papers

    Re: Lets talk rolling papers. Skunk 1/4's just because they roll really easily, glue is sticky and I have never have any trouble with them burning. Or if I want to get really fancy I go with Club bistros
  2. The Mad Toker

    Stoned Koala

    Hey all. Back from doing training with the military. Too lazy to go back and read the probably thousands of posts since I was last here but found somthing quite a while ago I saved for when I was able to get back on here that I thought was quite funny. A koala is sitting up a gum tree ...
  3. The Mad Toker

    Hashish Reviews

    Deffiently though I think you will like the budder alot more. Since I've had some time to play around with the JG I've realized it is not all that great. I had it in a container for a day and opened it up and all I could smell was burnt rubber. The smoke tastes fine and the high is quite mild...
  4. The Mad Toker

    Hashish Reviews

    Here's a few pics. Could not get a good pic of the nepalese so will try later. Jamaican Gum Budder
  5. Budder 1g

    Budder 1g

  6. Jamaican Gum 14g

    Jamaican Gum 14g

  7. The Mad Toker

    Hashish Reviews

    Just got my hashish today and will post pictures when I am more sober. But will post a smoke report for now. Jamaican Gum: Smells a little odd. Is extremely soft and very sticky. Has a mild taste to it that is a little rough on the throat. Has is very heavy head stone. Not bad but not the...
  8. The Mad Toker

    Hide a joint?

    I mostly use cigar tubes for transporting joints seeing I am not worried about cops as I always carry such a small ammount they will just take it and yell at me. Primetime cigar tubes work great for 1 paper joints. I still have like 50 of them from when I used to smoke.
  9. The Mad Toker

    Where in the world?

    Re: Where in the world???? Just smoked in Canada. Was in BC but unfortunly that was during my off-season of toking as I was trying to stay clean for piss tests
  10. The Mad Toker

    Milk in Bong

    Yeah as others have said thc is fat soluable so by using milk your probably losing a good chunk of the thc that could of otherwise got you high. I said probably because I am not a scientist and have no way of testing this out, just seems like a reasonable guess to me.
  11. The Mad Toker

    Amsterdam's Smoking Ban

    Here you cant smoke in any restaurants or bars period. Even outdoor patios if they have somthing like 30% of the patio covered you cannot smoke.
  12. The Mad Toker

    What do you guys do for fun?

    Amateur astrophotography (not so much anymore though), airsoft, running, reading, writing and umm long romantic walks to the 711 to get a slushie
  13. The Mad Toker

    High-Rise Housing Project

    If only they did it with bud & trim. That way you get low on your stash you could smoke your house. Or if you house catches on fire your whole neighbourhood will love you forever.
  14. The Mad Toker

    Man Finds Marijuana Inside Can Of Coke

    damn if I found that I would smoke 9 grams and leave a gram for the cops so I can file a lawsuit against a big corporation and get money and ganj!
  15. The Mad Toker

    Bubbler Question

    Dont boil the glass, it could break. Get some pipecleaners and soak it in rubbing alcohol and run them through the stem
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