Recent content by The Old Toby

  1. The Old Toby

    New leaf problems

    I’ve actually dropped everything for a little bit. Up-potted with ocean forest and have been using only pH adjusted tap water that has sat out to dechlorinate, and things are looking good! Old leaves will never recover, but new growth is looking great! I’m going to give it a week on just the...
  2. The Old Toby

    New leaf problems

    Phew! That’s a lot there, but all good stuff. Thanks! And yes, you are correct that it was Em who has given me that advice previously. The FF trio is what I have been using since my first grow. I mixd the soils based on some advice I received elsewhere (about OF being too intense for young...
  3. The Old Toby

    New leaf problems

    Indeed it is! And for that, I am truly grateful.
  4. The Old Toby

    New leaf problems

    That’s a fantastic idea. Thanks! I’m definitely switching it up. In the meantime, letting water sit overnight helps to dechlorinate?
  5. The Old Toby

    New leaf problems

    You know what, I actually have a RO filter in the kitchen. I guess I don’t know why I never used it before. Probably because I just used pH up/down and didn’t think about chlorine until now. Thanks for the suggestion!
  6. The Old Toby

    New leaf problems

    Good to know. I’m still too green to know what my “style” is yet, but all in good time I guess. That’s the blessing and the curse of cultivation, always something new to overcome and something more to learn.
  7. The Old Toby

    New leaf problems

    Fair enough then. Appreciate all the insights and advice. Cheers!
  8. The Old Toby

    New leaf problems

    impressive! Well now I have something new to be confused by! So here’s the story with the nutes. My first grow with white widow, I was feeding fox farm nutes at half strength, after getting nute burn from full strength of growing previous strains. The WW developed a deficiency and a well...
  9. The Old Toby

    New leaf problems

    LOL, too bad I didn’t think of that before I pitched the last one! You’re certainly right about the prices on most things in the grow shop, although I have found some exceptions. Can’t swing the Blue Labs one right now, but probably need to get something quick. How long would you recommend...
  10. The Old Toby

    New leaf problems

    Fair enough. That’s what I was afraid of, but at least good to confirm so I can “stop throwing good money after bad” as my granddaddy used to say.
  11. The Old Toby

    New leaf problems

    Still vegging, so no blooming nutes. “Big bloom” is just a general fertilizer. “Tiger bloom” is the flowering nute that gets added in later one it goes 12/12.
  12. The Old Toby

    New leaf problems

    Water is just tap, which is what I’ve used in my previous grows, but I can absolutely believe it’s a ph issue this time though. I’m embarrassed to say that my ph meter got wet and stopped working at the end of my last grow and I haven’t gotten another one yet. But I had my magic number of drops...
  13. The Old Toby

    New leaf problems

    Much appreciated. We’ll wait and see.
  14. The Old Toby

    New leaf problems

    Thanks for the reply! I would be very surprised if that was it. I’m growing indoors in a part of the country that has been pretty cold recently. I used a neem oil spray early on as a preventative measure. I’ve also looked them over pretty good and I haven’t seen anything moving. It’s also all...
  15. The Old Toby

    New leaf problems

    I thought I had had every kind of deficiency you could get over my first three grows, but this is a new one. The leaves are turning brown between the veins and then getting dry and brittle from the end back. The weird thing is that they don’t go completely brown before they go dry and start...
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