Recent content by TheBouncer

  1. TheBouncer

    Best nutrients to use with autopots

    I looked for a puck cant find one I guess they stopped making it maybe or its cause I live in Seattle not sure.
  2. TheBouncer

    Best nutrients to use with autopots

    Thanks for the advice I was thinking of going with some advanced nutrients but I wasn't sure.
  3. TheBouncer

    Best nutrients to use with autopots

    I am going to have a setup up of autopots anyone have experience with the best nutrient to use so I won't clog the system.
  4. TheBouncer

    Self watering

    Hi, I wanted some help on self-watering systems. I was thinking of going with auto pots I been looking around. There seem to be lots of options any help would be appreciated just need some opinions or better options I am kinda new to the game. There might be things out there I never even thought...
  5. TheBouncer

    Help yellow purple dying leaves

    Ok thanks for all the help
  6. TheBouncer

    Help yellow purple dying leaves

    Its happening again I can't seem to figure it out...
  7. TheBouncer

    Help yellow purple dying leaves

    Wow what is it now that you know how to use it
  8. TheBouncer

    Help yellow purple dying leaves

    Is thsat dyno stuff organic
  9. TheBouncer

    Help yellow purple dying leaves

    Really dam your almost starting to convince me about your dyno seems like they do it all what about I got some clones they are getting big they have good size fdan leafs but like no shoots or they are super tiny
  10. TheBouncer

    Help yellow purple dying leaves

    What do you use to support your plants
  11. TheBouncer

    Help yellow purple dying leaves

    Cool you from the Pacific NW also
  12. TheBouncer

    Help yellow purple dying leaves

    Yes it does come with those solutions I thought it would to calibration longer
  13. TheBouncer

    Help yellow purple dying leaves

    I have a Hanna its kinda annoying seems like I have to recalibrate it every water
  14. TheBouncer

    Help yellow purple dying leaves

    I just planted a black sugar rose like 3 weeks ago
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