Recent content by TheChronic

  1. TheChronic

    Let's hear it for the old and long time smokers

    ive got a question for the "ol' g's", is the weed different now that it was then? is it better? worse?
  2. TheChronic

    Glass Vs. Metal

    i perfer glass over metal. i have 2 glass bowls and 1 glass bubbler. but i dont use them to much because ive seen to much glass get broken just from being dropped. ima blunt and joint kinda guy
  3. TheChronic

    Who would you smoke with?

    I would want to be in the studio with Dre, Snooop, and Tupac.
  4. TheChronic

    What are the best papers?

    ive never been a fan of clear papers, i dont like the texture they have. ive heard that Club papers are very good too. whats better than a great joint with no ash?
  5. TheChronic

    Digital Vaporizer - Anyone?

    the vapezilla was voted the high times product of the year in '05 and '06. most top tier vaporizers, like the volcano, voodoo, mystifire, etc..., have convection technology. alittle more expensive, but much higher quality and efficiency.
  6. TheChronic

    What are the best papers?

    i roll my cannabis in Bambú papers. they are made in spain and have been around since 1764. i figure since they have been around longer than the US has been a country, they have to be pretty good. recommendations or suggestions?
  7. TheChronic

    Best Way to Store Bud

    what about larger amounts of bud? i heard the best way is to freeze it.
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