Recent content by TheDude33

  1. T

    If you fail a drug test, does it go on record that future employers can see?

    I just had an interview and I'm not sure I want the job, is there any harm in taking the piss test?
  2. T

    How long does it really take to get clean for a urine test?

    Do any of those drinks that mask/flush thc out work? Can they be detected?
  3. T

    How long does it really take to get clean for a urine test?

    So even as little as I've smoked it could take up to 30 days??
  4. T

    How long does it really take to get clean for a urine test?

    I hear so much conflicting info on urine tests, from a few days to over a month. I haven't smoked in a week, and before that I had smoked every day for a couple weeks, a couple bowls each day. Before that it was much less frequently, prob once a month if that. How long does it really take to get...
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