Recent content by ThinkBigGetBig

  1. ThinkBigGetBig

    4 Ladies In A 100 Gallon Fabric Bed, Organic Super Soil, 4x4 Tent, 1000W HID

    Glad to have you back Frizz! That is one crazy full tent, even with the defol. how hard is it reaching under those beauties without dsmaging them/the supplemental plants
  2. ThinkBigGetBig

    Hydro setup advice?

    I will be growing constantly and upping my system to 3 tents and a lot more lights after the first harvest the original idea was a SOG grow, and i still think i might go to that on the 2nd or 3rd grow, its why i originally got these totes. if you think going for more but smaller res' is the way...
  3. ThinkBigGetBig

    Hydro setup advice?

    Ok so, my current idea is to do a DWC/Low-Pressure Aero setup. I plan on running 2 tents(5x5), each with 1000W and 4 plants manifolded to 16 colas each. however ive got a semi-issue. my totes are insanely large, like 50 gal. so do i run 1 tote per tent and train the plants sideways a little, or...
  4. ThinkBigGetBig

    4 Ladies In A 100 Gallon Fabric Bed, Organic Super Soil, 4x4 Tent, 1000W HID

    Actually was reading through this and going to say the same as Lewy above. massive inspiration and ive read your first journal many months back. my first grow will be starting in a month or two and is essentially the same as your Hydro grow with 4x16 tops under 1000w.. except im doing 2 tents...
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