Recent content by ThirstyCraig

  1. T

    A Hello from Northern Illinois

    Well alright, all you guys, and women too of course, ya twisted my arm, i'll stick around awhile. and slntchttrbx thanks for the verse, and the kind words. As for the bands i am fond of, to keep the list short i will give you the main loves musically-Naked Raygun (first and...
  2. T

    A Hello from Northern Illinois

    Thank you for the greetings, only visit one other board/forum, a Chicago music one, but i visit often (here)...well it is smoke time, sparking up the old Celebration Pipes pipe, needs replacing but my alltime favorite pipe.
  3. T

    A Hello from Northern Illinois

    Well never to much of a forum kinda guy but thought i'd join this one. I'm a 38 year old divorced guy, a lifelong smoker and into punk music and most of its sub-genres. would love to hear from anyone who wants to say hi. Been a smoker (non-legal variety) since age 19. Anyways just thought i'd do...
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