Recent content by tintest

  1. tintest

    Freezer build off?

    Heres my idea for my perpetual harvest. I’m a first timer also but I have been researching these forums. And checking out other peoples grows. Bassplayer’s grow journal is great. I designed 3 indicial moveable hydroponic pods that are key to this system. These pods hold 5 gals of nutrients...
  2. tintest

    Freezer build off?

    Hey chewy, OMG Great minds think alike.!!! Nice system you got going. Like you I started mine in October. My fridge is a three door I am using the existing vents to vent mine. Like you mine is still in the build stage although I do have plants in it all ready. I dropped some bag seeds in an...
  3. tintest

    Medijuana - DIY Cabinet, Perpetual Grow, Airpots, Soil w/LST

    What’s up Bassplayer Your pictures are the best! I love the new toy. I going to follow along and see if I cant work out a perpetual garden system of my own. ~tintest :nicethread:
  4. tintest

    Glad I found this 420!

    :rollit:High, I'm new here and new to the forms type culture, so I don't really understand how things work. I'm just going to hang around soak up the info and see if I can grow me some good meds. I just dropped 7 seeds in my aero garden. We will see how that goes. Eventually, I intend to build...
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