Recent content by Tinyal

  1. Tinyal

    Newbie Here - Have I lost her for good?

    I thought about bud rot, but I thought that would have a somewhat wet or mushy appearance - what I have is complete inner bud brown drying/crumbling - every single bud on the top half of the plant had completely dried to brown and crumbly (not at all wet, damp, or moldy). However, moving from...
  2. Tinyal

    Newbie Here - Have I lost her for good?

    Due to financial & other reasons, I won't have my grow room set up till a bit later in the summer/fall (mid to end of sept), but here where I live it's possible to get several outdoor grow seasons per year, as it never frosts - even the winter usually maintains 45F as a low, but in the summer...
  3. Tinyal

    Newbie Here - Any Help/Advice greatly appreciated before I start. Let me first say

    Re: Newbie Here - Any Help/Advice greatly appreciated before I start. Let me first s Good video, thanks: It seems the video doesn't feel CFL's are appropiate, although I've read some journal's here that seem to suggest some people are having OK luck with CFL's. But I didn't see any journals...
  4. Tinyal

    Newbie Here - Any Help/Advice greatly appreciated before I start. Let me first say

    I've been browsing these forum's , reading dozens of different grow journals & other posts to learn as much as I can before I start a smallish grow. My only previous experience was over 35 years ago (back in my teen years), when everyone was trying to grow something smoke-able in their dorm...
  5. Tinyal

    Am I a candidate?

    In California you'd probably pass, but might have a problem due to your age - at 18 many doctors would look askance at someone under 21 (and since CA is one of the most liberal states when it comes to MM, it may very well be that you'd have a harder time elsewhere). I'm sure this doesn't apply...
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