Recent content by tooldini

  1. T

    Everyones thoughts

    I don't think it would be legal, but if nobody knows it could just be friends sharing some weed ;)
  2. T

    Too much light?

    well I don't have anything yet, but was considering a 400w dual one that has HPS and MH.. I am new so I have tons to learn
  3. T

    Is this a good buy?

    Not sure how I was gonna grow,, I here some people say they prefer soil. I always heard hydro was better. Proably start with 6 plants 1 every other week. I have a lot of thinking to do because I would like to be a caregiver as well as a patient
  4. T

    Is this a good buy?

    Price don't seem to bad at all,, I am still learning alot and have never grown before. Still confused on wether or not I need seperate areas for vegging and flowering. Should I get like 2 tents? Going in a 12x12 room but not all of it will be grow
  5. T

    Too much light?

    Can you have too much light? I used to grow corals in my reef tank and sometimes you could burn the corals. Can this happen with MM? I was planning on buy a 400w dual light set up with MH and HPS. Seems some say I should get more watts. I will probably be only growing maybe 6 plants.
  6. T

    Is this a good buy?

    OK thanks for the great info I will surely keep that in mind when I am ready to purchase.
  7. T

    Is this a good buy?

    LOL damn I guess the link would help High Tech Garden Supply
  8. T

    Is this a good buy?

    I found this light set up and it seems pretty good for the price what do you guys think. I have never grown before. I plan on building a 12x12 indoor climate controlled room in my attic. All will not be grow area some will be couch and television for chillin :)
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