Recent content by TzTaoBaron

  1. T

    Doctor To Begin Series Of Free Seminars On Medical Marijuana

    Lets see, addicted to 2 different Opiates or slightly physically dependent to organic MMJ. I'll chose to take what worked for me, NO OPIATES of any kind and here is why. My body started to come apart at the seams, first my heart then my kidneys followed. I was lucky enough to realize that...
  2. T

    Medical Marijuana Up For Debate In Federal Court

    If it is proven that it does not belong on the Schedule 1 substance list then it MUST be removed from the list completely. Let American decide what it should be controlled and how those laws will effect the nation, not the government. The government has wasted more than should ever have been...
  3. T

    Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Giving Free Vape-Pen To Chemotherapy Patients

    Now that is what it is all about. Helping those in true need with what they need. I do hope this goes nation wide. :goodjob: :cheertwo:
  4. T

    Medical Marijuana Growers Flee Olneyville Attacks

    That is a perfect example of way the removal of the schedule 1 sanction of marijuana must be absolutely removed. That way the criminals would be forced to grow their own and the cartels would lose their hold on the American public when it comes to marijuana. If everyone that wants to, could...
  5. T

    Allow United States Disabled Military Veterans Access To Medical Marijuana

    Yet another "Blow Heart" expends more than he can afford to exhale. Lies and Political of the Politician's two step of the side ways motion with a little wiggle of the stupid liars club. I shall never trust any political dancers again. Give Me Liberty or Give me Death. Please don't lie to me...
  6. T

    Arcata Woman Sues City, Police Over Potless Pot Search

    DEA !!! OMG that was just to funny... Thanks for the laugh... I needed that. Sometime we will lose sight of the purpose of our movement. Tao LLKBA Live, Love and Kick the Bastards Ass.
  7. T

    Arcata Woman Sues City, Police Over Potless Pot Search

    I never read that these elderly people were stealing electricity. I believe someone throw that in. The accusation was the smell of bud in the air. They had an Qualified Electrician install all the required wiring and they were growing in the garage at one time; but they had no plants at the time...
  8. T

    Arcata Woman Sues City, Police Over Potless Pot Search

    Gestapo Tactics!!! "We'll scare the hell out of all law abiding citizens even if we have no true reason to enforce the old ways; this way the people know we are in charge and we do what we want not what they have voted for. Sound familiar? Hitler created a lies about the Jews and now elderly...
  9. T

    Modern-Day Prohibition

    I find that those in the commercial end of the moment think all Americans are sm-lg-X-Lg. If it shrinks it will be to small for a small etc. It would be nice to see some tall and 5X and up for those of us are Full sized America. Being 6ft 4in and big means I can't find any place that sells a...
  10. T

    Comment by 'TzTaoBaron' in media '420 Girl Elan Nelson'

    Why that's bush my boy; real bush!
  11. T

    Comment by 'TzTaoBaron' in media '420 Girl'

    Such A Beautiful garden indeed.
  12. T

    Modern-Day Prohibition

    I have been looking for posters as well as 420 type t-shirts. I would appreciate any direction. I am thinking about a campaign with 3 X 5 cards and t-shirts here on the west coast.
  13. T

    Modern-Day Prohibition

    Well that was quit a great statement. I see two issues that must be addressed as of right now. Our Rights as citizens; the governments meddling with the rights of Americans to the gain of the corporate elite with Taxation or License all things we consume sop high as to put only the elite...
  14. T

    Modern-Day Prohibition

    That is my whole reason of posting this information. Prohibition does not work. Never did and never will. Once the politicians realized that they would loose their hold on the American citizenry they capitulated to the masses. The the laws were changed. But to feed the greed of the big...
  15. T

    Modern-Day Prohibition

    Sounds very familiar? Legalize Marijuana; Vote out those who fight your rights to their own end.
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