Recent content by user4201

  1. U

    Del. Lawmaker Pushing Marijuana Legalization Bill

    right on. looks like some one is lookin out for us in lil 'ol Delaware.:thankyou:
  2. U

    Del. Lawmaker Pushing Marijuana Legalization Bill

    right on. looks like some one is lookin out for us in lil 'ol Delaware.:thankyou:
  3. U

    President Used Marijuana but Mocks & Dismisses Legalization

    I didn't call him ignorant, I stated that the way he was thinking was. Just like he has his opinion I did too about how he was thinking and what he was doing. Just seems a little hypocritical. If I'm wrong for saying his thinking is a little messed up shoot me but I didn't insult the guy. Him...
  4. U

    President Used Marijuana but Mocks & Dismisses Legalization

    I agree! Contra-DicK-tion, it happens every 4 to 8 years. Like a funny public race. Where only two men are chosen to run this race to Nowhere Hill. I don't think politicians are aware o who they are talking to while the camera is on. Sometimes I wonder when we'll begin our civil car against the...
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