Recent content by usmmjenny

  1. usmmjenny

    Marijuana revolution

    How to Organize Your Own “FREE THE WEED” Protest Here are 10 simple steps that you can follow to organize a protest in your own community. 1. Pick a location for the date and time in your town. I’d suggest main street at an intersection with lots of traffic, or better yet, your states Capitol...
  2. usmmjenny

    Marijuana revolution

    04/20/2009 AT 4:20 PM IT IS TIME FOR A REVOLUTION! I have had enough! it is time to organize and protest our right to smoke a harmless weed in our pursuit of happiness. Marijuana prohibition must end! and it must end now! We must march on our state capitols on April 20th at 4:20 pm...
  3. usmmjenny

    The Great Tennessee Pot Cave: Pics & Video

    OMG, somebody was smoking some good weed. How Ridiculous! LOL And look at how pale and sad those plants are. This is not the job of a stoner.:popcorn:
  4. usmmjenny

    Many Moons Ago...

    Hi and Thank you! I'm in Cali too, Sacramento area. Are there only a few women on here?
  5. usmmjenny

    Many Moons Ago...

    I just recently smoked weed again after a 20 year hiatus, and I'm shocked at how expensive it is! I am planning a stealth grow on the cheap, so I came here and found the mother lode of grower information. I can hardly wait to start. As soon as I get my hands on some seed. (In my day, all...
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