Recent content by Vestrimatrik

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  2. Vestrimatrik

    Boveda Humidity Packs - Why 62%

    Properly dried and jar cured product should not feel "wet" at 62%. I've had some of mine sitting in jars with the 62% packs for about 6 months now and when I pull one out I am able to break it pretty easy. Not too dry to where I touch it and turns to dust, and not to wet to where it smells...
  3. Vestrimatrik

    Pest oil

    Probably because seedlings are sensitive and it was to high of a ratio and therefore toxic for them
  4. Vestrimatrik

    Help - Bugs!

    2ml/gal of cinnamon leaf oil and spray. Make sure to shake excess water off
  5. Vestrimatrik

    I need some help!

    No, you will cook it. Go pick up some regular CFL's preferably 3000k color temperature and once transplanted place the seedlings about 4 inches underneath the bulb.
  6. Vestrimatrik

    Looks like mold - What's going on?

    Oh no! The dreaded powdery mildew! Try searching on how to make a milk spray for them(not on budding plants). Either that or using sodium bicarbonate(baking soda) as a foliar spray. And lowering your relative humidity. They seemed to help me a bunch in slowing it down. Once you spray your girls...
  7. Vestrimatrik

    Male? Can someone confirm please

    Pluck the sacs off and keep it going till the end. And if you see any more popping up then pick those off too. Best of luck to you :thumb:
  8. Vestrimatrik

    LEDS - Multiple or one is better?

    I know the light isn't 18"away like I said but that's only because I raised it a day before this picture. Either way, if you can get your hands on a COB LED (or build one) then do it! This one only pulls about 600 actual watts.
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  11. Vestrimatrik

    What do you think about this pH down?

    You don't want co2 in your water. You want O2. I'm sure the level of co2 they are referring to is miniscule but just sayin.
  12. Vestrimatrik

    LEDS - Multiple or one is better?

    I'm running a diy setup right now with 12 COBs spaced over a 3x3 frame and I can tell you from experience that it has been hands down the best $1200 I spent for my room. I'll upload a pic a little later just to show you what can be achieved with a panel like mine about 18" away and topped a...
  13. Vestrimatrik

    CFL substitute

    Or you could go with LED, the kind that fit into a regular bulb socket
  14. Vestrimatrik

    Dark green sugar leaves

    Not a good idea to stop feeding this early, but what you could do is feed with only half strength nutes. In my opinion it isn't too much nitrogen until you get the clawing or curling effect. Your leaves are nice and straight, right where they should be. Not drooping and not "praying". You...
  15. Vestrimatrik

    Light and plants

    You could also run 4 600w HIDs as well to cover all 4 corners but again... heat might be an issue at that point. I'll second the COB array as Graytail said. Best bang for my buck so far. :thumb:
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