Recent content by VolcanoVapor

  1. VolcanoVapor

    Clones might not make it

    Acidity in nature Properties of water - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pure water has the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH−) equal to that of the hydronium (H3O+) or hydrogen (H+) ions, which gives pH of 7 at 298 K. In practice, pure water is very difficult to produce. Water left...
  2. VolcanoVapor

    Drink More Water When You Smoke Cannabis

    That is because the RO water you drank was 'treated' to stabilize the water while you were in the Navy. I promise you, 100% H2O is detrimental to living organisms and it does not exist in nature to begin with, that should send a red flag. Buy a 5 stage reverse osmosis water filter and drink...
  3. VolcanoVapor

    Coming along nicely

    In regards to Wet Betty, an example of a Hydrocarbon-based Surfactant is antifreeze (ETHYLENE GLYCOL.) Hydrocarbon-based surfactant compounds are amphiphilic, having a hydrophilic, water loving 'end', referred to as their 'head group', and a lipophilic, fat loving 'end', usually a long chain...
  4. VolcanoVapor

    Dutch Masters Liquid Light Review

    In regards to Wet Betty, an example of a Hydrocarbon-based Surfactant is antifreeze (ETHYLENE GLYCOL.) Hydrocarbon-based surfactant compounds are amphiphilic, having a hydrophilic, water loving 'end', referred to as their 'head group', and a lipophilic, fat loving 'end', usually a long chain...
  5. VolcanoVapor

    Drink More Water When You Smoke Cannabis

    What ever you do, do NOT drink or feed reverse osmosis/distilled water to your plants without first BALANCING the water molecularity. The human body along with plants was designed to run on water that exists naturally on our planet, water that contains traces of inorganic minerals such as...
  6. VolcanoVapor

    Clones might not make it

    What ever you do, do NOT drink or feed reverse osmosis/distilled water to your plants without first BALANCING the water molecularity. The human body along with plants was designed to run on water that exists naturally on our planet, water that contains traces of inorganic minerals such as...
  7. VolcanoVapor

    Clear/orange termite looking bugs - White spots on leaves - Pics - Help!

    In regards to Wet Betty, an example of a Hydrocarbon-based Surfactant is antifreeze (ETHYLENE GLYCOL.) Hydrocarbon-based surfactant compounds are amphiphilic, having a hydrophilic, water loving 'end', referred to as their 'head group', and a lipophilic, fat loving 'end', usually a long chain...
  8. VolcanoVapor

    Clear/orange termite looking bugs - White spots on leaves - Pics - Help!

    Nice find! Copied from wiki about Azamax, it is now known to affect over 200 species of insect, by acting mainly as an antifeedant and growth disruptor, and as such it possesses considerable toxicity toward insects (LD50(S. littoralis): 15 ug/g). It fulfills many of the criteria needed for a...
  9. VolcanoVapor

    Clear/orange termite looking bugs - White spots on leaves - Pics - Help!

    Go to your local health food store and buy "rosemary extract." Forget SNS-217 as rosemary extract is the only active ingredient in it and it's overpriced. All you have to do is use distilled or RO water 'tap if you dont mind the fluoride neurotoxin' and create a 2% solution (98% H2O and 2%...
  10. VolcanoVapor

    Drink More Water When You Smoke Cannabis

    What ever you do, do NOT drink reverse osmosis or distilled water! Think of it as an aggressive solvent (which it is) especially when pure consisting of only 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen without any natural minerals to make the water alkaline. Now you have acidic water and I can see you reaching...
  11. VolcanoVapor

    Spider in my room

    Let him cast a web so you can watch life's little annoyances struggle. :)
  12. VolcanoVapor

    How Can I Minimize my Heat Signature?

    All the information you will ever need is from an ex-Drug Enforcement Agent for 17+ years by the name of Barry Cooper that is extremely knowledgeable in this subject matter. Here is his official website. NeverGetBusted
  13. VolcanoVapor

    Canada - Seed Legality, Seeds & The Mail, Car Searches

    Have people completely forgot about exercising their 'common law' rights? You are still being a part of a corrupt system if you play their game without exercising common laws! I encourage people to watch the most informative video, in my opinion, since recorded history! Youtube...
  14. VolcanoVapor

    ACLU Bust Card

    Have people completely forgot about exercising their 'common law' rights? You are still being a part of a corrupt system if you play their game without exercising common laws! I encourage people to watch the most informative video, in my opinion, since recorded history!
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