Recent content by waiting2inhal

  1. W

    THC DUI Bill Moves Forward, Passing Out of Committee

    ANYONE can be “compelled” to submit for a drug test. ( research Busted and Know your rights 10 Rules for dealing with the police) ANYONE who has any prescribed, by a physician, pain reliever, antidepressant, or any other drug for that matter, found guilty of DUI? We urgently need...
  2. W

    Pot Club Operator Says IRS Demands Millions

    This story is indicative as to just how important we pressure politicians to re-classify Marijuana from Class I drug to at least to Class IV. Thank Richard "tricky dick" Nixon (“I am not a crook!”) for that part in this procession of stupidity in this “War on Drugs”.
  3. W

    Anyone willing to assist? Need Good Legal Advice!

    Also GREAT info and preperation at: Law - The Public Library of Law
  4. W

    Anyone willing to assist? Need Good Legal Advice!

    Best advice I could give is- 1) Lawer with recomendaions from MPP as to their specialty. 2) ACLU consultations. Sounds like the car searches will be thrown out because of refusal to search. As for the rest of it, you're going to get an education on just how corrupt the War on Drugs and...
  5. W

    Search and seizure question

    Short answer is yes.. BUT you have to know what your rights are first, so you can produce a strong legal defense. Good info on ACLU website. Research a couple of films called, Busted and Know Your Rights. I strongly recommend buying a copy of each. Get educated, but don't think the cops are...
  6. W

    2012: Crafting A Better Legalization Proposition In California

    TorturedSoul sounds like a great frame work to get things started. One MAJOR thing I would like to add to any state program. (since the feds won't reclassify MJ from class1) If you test positive for marijuana metabolites, you don't loose your liscence, your health insurance or your job. No work...
  7. W

    Marc Emery: Timeline of a Cannabis Warrior

    Imagine for a moment you like beer. You REALLY like beer. You drink in moderation, hold a job, and support your family and are a productive member of society. You've never been accused of a crime, pay your taxes and are active in the social fabric of your community. Then one day, (usually...
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