Recent content by WeedEeter216

  1. W

    Vaping Question from new user

    You can absolutely use the ABV to make butter!!! It's great because you can re-use your ABV a second time so it doesn't go to waste. You should use 2-3 times as much as you would normally use though to account for the diminished THC content.
  2. W

    Grinder Hash?

    the only thing im concerned about with that is scratching the grinder and smoke metal dust...
  3. W

    Grinder Hash?

  4. W

    CannaButter In 7 Easy Steps!

    haha!!! yeah! i have felt that!! i always considered it kinda psychosomatic though... or that i'm "high" from the excitement and anticipation!! lol!
  5. My first attempt at ABV weed butter....

    My first attempt at ABV weed butter....

    I used about 18g of ABV and 3/4 a stick of butter (for increased potency and because it was all I had left! haha!). Then I mixed the butter with a little bit of Nutella and spread it on toast. Yummm!!!!
  6. Ganja pops!

    Ganja pops!

    These are easily the most fun edibles I have ever encountered! Get high anywhere, anytime! Work, school, concerts, walking down the street. And all you taste is cran-apple! Kudos to the guy that made 'em!
  7. W

    New Medibles (Edibles) have revolutionary properties as scientists are learning

    Re: New Medibles ( Edibles ) have revolutionary properties as scientists are learning coolest "medible" I have every had - ganja lollipops!! so much fun!
  8. W

    Best Portable Vape For My Money?

    Dont waste your money on anything but the Magic Flight Launch Box!! I got mine new from for $100 (including delivery) and it came with ALL the accessories - batteries and charger, hands free whip, optional mouthpiece, grinder. What I love about it is it is the ULTIMATE in portable...
  9. W

    Does Vaping buds still make you cough?

    Btw...forgot to mention - Magic Flight Launch Box has a LIFETIME warranty!!!
  10. W

    Does Vaping buds still make you cough?

    I have used about 10 different models of vaporizers (including the illustrious and notorious Volcano!) but my favorite to this day is my Magic Flight Launch Box! Its a super tiny, portable, battery-operated vaporizer. The temperature is controlled by the speed and force of your breath. Its very...
  11. W

    Finally signed up

    My name is Alexis. Im from Cleveland (not legalized) Oh. I've used this forum for pot-related questions for awhile but never signed up for some reason? I grew up Mormon so that shit was NOT cool but a friend convinced me into it for chronic morning nausea. I didnt really "get into it" in a...
  12. W

    Grinder Hash?

    Somebody told me the residue around the inside of my grinder is ready-to-go hash. It makes sense considering both heat and pressure were applied in the grinding process. But is further processing required or is it ready to be scraped and smoked? Thanks!
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