Recent content by WestLDNGrow

  1. W

    Do I Flush Before Using?

    First time using Hydrcoco 60/40 Goldlabel. Mixed reviews online - Do i flush before using or just crack on?
  2. W

    Extremely Sick Mother

    Hey guys. I am due a crop and want to create some good CBD oil to treat her with. She is suffering Carpel Tunnel Syndrome/Arthritis/Crystallising bones and god knows what else. Can someone recommend a good method to get the CBD oil extracted and into her body orally preferably without the...
  3. W

    SCrOG Help Needed Asap

    Hi people. I have a tent 1.2m X 2.4m I run two 600w lamps. I am about to do my first coco grow as well as my first SCrOG grow. So here is a few questions to help me 1.) How many plants shall I put under each light 2.) What litre pots 3.) I am using the strain Cheese so how tall shall I make my...
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