Recent content by Will99

  1. Will99

    Moving House, Need Help Hiding Grow

    Thanks, my dark cycle is from 5am to 5pm so if it comes to it ill have to do that
  2. Will99

    Moving House, Need Help Hiding Grow

    Hey Im still young so living at home with my mum, she knows ive started growing and doesnt really mind but her boyfriend doesnt know, and were trying to keep it that way aha, but the problem is that were moving house soon, its not far but im trying to think of how im going to hide and move my...
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  6. Will99

    Sick Seedling Desperately Need Help

    Luckily the brown spots stop spreading and just stayed at the tips of the leaves, so im guessing it was nute burn, flushed with ph'd water and given no nutes since and the new leaves dont seem to be affected, aha lesson learned :thanks:
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  9. Will99

    DIY Drying Box

    Thanks, i was just going to use an ono block but if you can make carbon filters, im there haha
  10. Will99

    DIY Drying Box

    Hey Guys Just wanted to show you my drying box/chamber I made, Its made from a chest of draws and lined with cardboard, I made it preety airtight and added 2 80mm pc fans (Intake/Outtake) with filters over them (stop dust/bugs getting in) Let me know what you think and...
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  14. Will99

    Sick Seedling Desperately Need Help

    okay thanks ill keep an eye out, ill post again in a few days to see how its getting on if she recovers
  15. Will99

    Sick Seedling Desperately Need Help

    ah thanks , these help alot and yes i am aha planing on getting a digital meter soon though, but those charts help alot thanks, do you think she'll recover? or will the affected leaves just stay the same?
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