Recent content by willie420

  1. willie420

    Is it ok to clean my piece with...

    I've heard boiling water can cause glass to break, especially if it's cold. I'd play it safe and go with rubbing alcohol and salt.
  2. willie420

    Poor, CFL, Stealth, Maybe a Little Luck?

    Wow, looks great - very nicely done, especially for a first grow. Thanks for keeping up this journal and adding new pics. Pretty cool to see it from start to finish. :goodjob:
  3. willie420

    Quentin Tarantino Smokes Weed With Brad Pitt In France

    A coke can?? Really? If I had his money, I'd have a someone who could blow glass on payroll.
  4. willie420

    Organic medical

    Nice setup. and some tasty tasty lookin buds. very nice :grinjoint:
  5. willie420

    Firecracker Potency Problem

    One thing I've noticed is I get better results if I put the crackers with peanut butter on them in the microwave for about 5-10 seconds before putting weed on them. It makes the fat/oil rise to the top. But still with edibles, seems like it hits me differently each time.
  6. willie420

    Resin - Can you smoke it?

    Well according to my scientific experiment, it tastes horrible and makes my lungs feel like I just inhaled a flame. But I will say I think it depends a lot on the quality of stuff you used to make the resin. I use a special pipe just for the real good stuff and then will save the resin when I...
  7. willie420

    Pipe or paper?

    for me vape first, then bowl, then joint. have to admit i'm not the best roller. for those that do smoke blunts, if you blow outward through it after you put it out, it will help keep it from tasting all skunky next time. just dont blow out too hard. some good lookin smoke oldgrowerdude...
  8. willie420

    Northern Lights grown with CFLs

    So tasty looking. Beautiful plant and great guide. Thanks for sharing :yummy:
  9. willie420

    Drug Survey Release Thursday Raises Questions for New Drug Czar

    Results are out - the huge campaign led by John Walters was an epic fail. Usage stats remained the same. Clearly the "war" is not being won. Just more evidence it's time for a different policy.
  10. willie420

    Waco Man Teams With NORML in Push for Medical Marijuana

    Unfortunately yeah - it does seem people don't care and are willing to judge as long as it doesn't affect them personally. Funny how so many self-proclaimed Christians don't know the first thing about compassion. I am glad to see this getting some discussion, and most of the comments have been...
  11. willie420

    Waco Man Teams With NORML in Push for Medical Marijuana

    Unfortunately yeah - it does seem people don't care and are willing to judge as long as it doesn't affect them personally. Funny how so many self-proclaimed Christians don't know the first thing about compassion. I am glad to see this getting some discussion, and most of the comments have been...
  12. willie420

    Chronic Pain

    pain sucks. My first big MS attack left me with constant burning and sometimes stabbing pain on the bottom of my foot. I've been hoping it'd get better with time, but it looks like its here to stay. I tried the antidepressants but they made me feel like a zombie, and I couldn't stay awake...
  13. willie420

    an oz of weed is worth a half oz of GOLD!

    Remember too that there is growing trend of using private companies to run jails and house inmates. The last thing these companies want to see is mj legalized and the prison population decrease. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if some of the prohibitionists are getting funded/supported from...
  14. willie420

    Medical Value & Use - Marinol v. Medical Marijuana

    For anyone who doesn't have access to the real stuff and might be interested in trying marinol, there is a generic version available now and i think most insurance companies will pay for it.
  15. willie420

    2 Medical Marijuana Users Convicted -- Is it Right?

    100% agree. It's absolutely mind boggling how quick people are to judge. I don't wish illness either, but a day in the life of someone with a chronic illness would sure change their attitude in a hurry. And no disrespect to Maryland, but I'm pretty sure there's enough real crime going on in...
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