Recent content by woofman

  1. W

    Water Bulb Plant Minders?

    Done a bunch of searching but can't find this question/answer anywhere. Does anyone have experience with water bulbs? They are these things you stick into the soil of the plant and fill the bulb on top with water and they slowly release water as needed into the plant. When the bulb is empty...
  2. W

    Couple of newbee questions

    Thanks Ace
  3. W

    Couple of newbee questions

    Ok, here are the pics:
  4. W

    Couple of newbee questions

    Ace, Here are some pics. One of them has yellow spots on the leaves, the other 2 are nice green, buds growing on all, especially the one with the spots on the leaves. The tallest is 48", other one 40", 3rd one 34". The short one is the fullest, best buds, but also the one with the spots on...
  5. plants


    2 show spots on leaves, other pic is 3 plants
  6. plants


    2 show spots on leaves, other pic is 3 plants
  7. plants


    2 show spots on leaves, other pic is 3 plants
  8. W

    Couple of newbee questions

    Hey Ace, I know you mean well, but I did read thru that link you posted and I learned a lot. Great stuff there. I did not find a specific answer to those 3 questions, that's why I posted the questions. Thanks.
  9. W

    Couple of newbee questions

    I have 3 Carmeliscious planted 8/1/10, indoor on a 12/12 light schedule. Watering: The containers I am using are 12" x 15" deep. I have a meter to measure moisture, ph etc, but the prongs only go down about 3". In a 15" deep pot, isn't the soil wetter as you go further down? Wouldn't...
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