Recent content by YetiCool420

  1. Y

    The beginning of my life...

    As it is not so hard to feel sorry for yourself, it is hard not to feel sorry about yourself. My name is Hunter, I had my first grand-mal seizure when I was 12. Was well medicated but have had a few more to this day. July of 2014 I dislocated my shoulder. It was fixed and while at university it...
  2. Y

    The beginning of my life...

    The beginning of my life...
  3. Y

    Male Or Female?

    That contradicts what I have read, numerous times and places actually. So now I am quite confused as to what the truth is...guess I cant handle the truth.
  4. Y

    Male Or Female?

    Yall think its too early to snip for a clone?
  5. Y

    Male Or Female?

    Just some GE LEDs, bulbs. I read some forums threads and for the few hours it spends indoors I felt like it would suffice...for now. It gets about 3 hours of dark per day. How about you?
  6. Y

    Male Or Female?

    At night I put it under 5100 lumens of 5k LEDs, during the day I take "it" outside. Its in some regular feed store fertilizer, nothing special. I actually pruned the bottom, single leaves off because they were turning yellow. From what I have read the plant wastes alot of energy trying to fix...
  7. Y

    Male Or Female?

    Got it uploaded to my gal. Thanks for your help!
  8. Sexxer helper...

    Sexxer helper...

    First signs
  9. Y

    Male Or Female?

    I cannot find it. On mobile if that has anything to do with it...
  10. Y

    Male Or Female?

    Finally... After readjng and researching I still cannot figure out which this plant is. Its my first ever but yea, there it is. Boy or girl?
  11. Y

    First timer - Need some random help

    Gonna pack up these bulbs and find some others. Not gonna buy a panel but will look for some higher lumen LEDs or maybe some CFLs. Could you give me a personal estimate of how many lumens you would use in my situation? 1 plant(2 if clonable). Growing in Miracle Grow standard.
  12. Y

    First timer - Need some random help

    Much thanks Scientific. I was stressing over bulbs, more than I should have for sure. As to the strain...I cannot answer that with confidence. The fingers are not long and skinny nor are they short and wide. I did NOT know about the autoflowering/cloning. That is good to know. I need to look...
  13. Y

    First timer - Need some random help

    Hey guys. This is my first post and first grow. Have a few questions related to lighting, cloning and timing. Plant has been watered and kept clean of pests and ailments. 1) Lights, I have purchased some LED bulbs from a local store. They are 5000k, 65 Watt equivalent(8 watts actual) and...
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