Recent content by yogohalo3

  1. Y

    Seed Germination Question

    I have had my seeds in the paper towel method for 3 days..could i move my seeds to a cup of water...cuz they havent germinated with the paper towel...would it harm the seeds at all?:thankyou:
  2. Y

    Pipe & Bong Names

    My new peice from jamaica is named BIG GIRL JACKIE SMITH
  3. Y

    Pipe & Bong Names

    my pipe is named colonelclusterfuck i don't know why i was fucked up and the name just stuck
  4. Y

    Good amount?

    i paied 5$ for all this? good amount or not?:rollit::rollit::rollit:
  5. Y

    Scraping a bowl?

    if i scrape my pipe for resin. i got a lot and smoke that will i get high?:yummy:
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