Recent content by zac420

  1. Z

    Florida Medicine

    It's a possibility, Tampa isn't far from my area. What do u use?
  2. Z

    Florida Medicine

    Man, yall are lettin me down..
  3. Z

    Florida Medicine

  4. Z

    Florida Medicine

  5. Z

    Florida Medicine

    Hey everyone, I'm located in fl. I get frequent migraines and have trouble sleeping around 3-4 nights of the week. I'm lookin for good medicine suggestions for the migraine with no couch lock and recommendation of good indica that won't skunk up my whole house for slee issues. thanks everyone...
  6. Z

    Florida Medical Marijuana

    Hello everyone, this is my first post here :D and what I've been doin is let one person know and tell them to sign the petition and pass the word on to all their friends who need and or use mmj and have them pass the word on from there, I got a guaranteed 15 while at work today, some from...
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