Recent content by zamuel

  1. Z

    Bag seed grow under 200w cfl's started 10-11-08

    I wouldnt say that CFLs are not good for budding. Perhaps not the best would be a better term. I swear by my HPS but have completed full grows with only CFLs. Yes they were a little smaller and most of the bud was a little loose, it really surprised me with the yield and quality i ended up with...
  2. Z

    U.S. Government Guilty of Poss.

    I am pretty sure that there are not any countries that have made hemp illegal. It is grown differently to the cannabis you have been putting in your bowl and has much lower THC levels. I think that hemp as a product is limited to contain only 0.3% THC by law.:smoke2:
  3. Z

    Fdsa187187's Grow Journal: Bagseed From Schwag

    Great Grow Log. There is nothing better than a bagseed
  4. Z

    Whats Up with marijuana Airline Trip?

    If it goes through a scanner they can detect organic substances. I will stand out like a dogs dick if it is sitting inside anything. Thats how it is in AUS anyways. Good Luck
  5. Z

    Drug Stats Abroad

    I have not got one personally but a mate got one back in 06. Was a funny read. Obviously written by some strait guy sitting in a government office. Cheers
  6. Z

    Where can I buy capsules

    Sweet.. Good post, We used to pack hash in them for something to do and it was great, but i never thought of the coconut oil.
  7. Z

    Drug Stats Abroad

    Hi everyone, I have been soaking up the posts for a little while now and thought i would start adding my input... Not sure who cares but I thought I would make a start by letting you know of the stats and some info of cannabis convictions etc, where i live (Tasmania, Australia). Also will try...
  8. Z

    How to add weight to your buds? Is this true.

    I have found that Seasol (Australian) or any Seaweed product used from the start of flowering, and also Veg increased my yield dramatically in weight. Just my Recommendation. I swear by it. By as race fan said "big yields are not in a bottle". Good Luck with your grow
  9. Z

    Sore Throat When I'm NOT Smoking

    Good Point Boss, On the other side of this topic i find that smoking when coming out of a cold or flu can be really beneficial to clearing out the lungs. Keep on smoking unless you have some type of chest infection :).
  10. Z

    Wheres shwag really come from

    I agree that is is just poorly looked after plants. Most the shwag around here (Tasmania, Australia) is grown in the bush and like The_Viper said is only checked a few times. There is nothing better than some quality time with the girls to get them to a decent standard.
  11. Z

    Jury Will Decide Fate Of Marijuana Growers

    It was cannabis marijuana," said Blais, Isnt that like saying "It was Cannabis Cannabis" or "It was Marijuana Marijuana" Not a very serious post by myself, Just made me wonder.
  12. Z

    420 Staff Changes

    Hope you have a fast recovery. Your info and posts are really valued here.
  13. Z

    Where can I buy capsules

    In Australia you can buy them from Shaman Australis. They are about 10 - 15 $AU for 120. they also have different flavors. I am sure they would send international. Hope they can help you. Shaman Australis Ethnobotanicals (Australian & International Ethnobotanicals)
  14. Z

    The reason why fruit sugar (fructose) is beneficial in flowering

    Great post moose. I am sure it would take a truck load of oranges to do anything bad to your plants but i am interested in the orange water ratio that you use also.
  15. Z

    Harvesting in the Bush When Disaster Strikes

    great story. being from aus myself made it very interesting
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