Recent content by zant

  1. Z

    420: Thoughts on Pot vs. Alcohol from a Former Police Chief

    Hey how about that,a civil cervant who speaks the truth,so rare in our days,more power to u.
  2. Z

    10 years for 14 grams on a first offense

    Good luck friend,and dont forget,adolf hitler and his butchers,are still alive in usa.
  3. Z

    What Will The Narcs Do When They Run Out Of Gas?

    If the narcs,run out of gas money then perhaps they should carry each other on their backs.PS: Try not 2 screw each other know ok and start walking.
  4. Z

    Singapore Sentences Ghanaian Cannabis Trafficer To Death

    What a dirty goverment,what do u expect from a singaporian nazi regime.
  5. Z

    What Will The Narcs Do When They Run Out Of Gas?

    john walter,is a very sick man pleaze forgive him.
  6. Z

    Why The Tycoons Fear Hemp: From Drugs to Oil

    Dear friend they cant they are drunk most of the times or they r sell outs to the big thiefs the corporations of prosperity and thievery against the people.:rip:
  7. Z

    DA's Office Angered By Sentence

    The da's office should not harrased ,law biding citizens just because they smoke weed or distribute medicine,instead they should work for their money,and leave hippocricy for the church.If they want to clean the carbage,they should start form their offices and by the way, easy on the bottle know...
  8. Z

    Comment by 'zant' in media '27012009409'

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