Recent content by Zozohyland

  1. Z

    Pest or disease? Brown spots appearing

    Hi there I've had one of my plants start to struggle and I'm wondering what it is exactly as I'm struggling to find the info online. The leaves are getting discolored spots that are turning brown. I recently did put some coffee grains in the soil, but no other plants are struggling in the same...
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  5. Z

    Young plants struggling leaf curl and brown spot

    Hi guys, I had issues uploading photos. I think you are both totally correct. I did something rather rash last night as they were rapidly deteriorating, and potted them in some potting mix i had on my at the time. I wasn't sure if this was a complete faux pas or would shock them, but they seem...
  6. Z

    Young plants struggling leaf curl and brown spot

    I'm growing in vermiculite in a very simple wet tray scenario. Aside from one, all of my seedlings are struggling after looking healthy for a few weeks. I'm giving them plenty of nutrients, magnesium and I'm making sure the ph is perfect. I'm wondering if I should just repot in soil as it's my...
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