420 Magazine

Emilya Green
Emilya Green
Well, you got all the good stuff in there, but without cooking and breaking down some of these components, the pH is going to be wildly inappropriate in places, and a lot of the nutrients that you would like to be in that soil are not yet cooked in. The tea will help a lot as it is going to bring in the active microlife that you desperately are going to be short of, and at least for this first grow you are going to have to throw in some modern shortcuts to get that soil going, fast. Depending on where you are at, Voodoo Juice, URB, Realgrower's Recharge... all are products that can get you to a quick and tremendously active microlife in those large pots, and keep them going. Also, since top dressing only really gives you what is water soluble in any nutrient, you need something to supplement the available mineral content while you get through this grow still waiting for the organics to break down. Look into Earth Dust or any similar product to be able to topically mineralize that soil so that your active microherd has something good to munch on through the entire grow.
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