420 Magazine

All at the same time, I think 1 is for veg, 1 nutrient is for growing strong and healthy, you don't start adding the bloom nutes , until they are flower mode, Watch your ph., then kind of let it dry and flush , so you don't get locked out by your roots. I use Fish Hydrostat, fox farms tiger bloom, little bud candy, but old school, Good old blackstrap molasses, that has omri on bottle. My first run, I used fish fertilizer, and molasse's, sometime less is better, can always add what you need. I keep my ph. between 5- to 6.5 Humidly around 50. Iam no pro, learning like the rest of us, but there are pros, on this page. that's when there cola is the size of a small sports car, and mine looked like a bic lighter, I started reading, and keeping a daily journal, so I do not ruin a grow. Thats a good size tent, you can but for 12 bucks a meter, that shows you your light , and .ph, and moist or damp, I was told stick your finger in dirt down to first bend on your finger, and you can also lift pot if its heavy, prob does not need water. When I used plastic buckets I drilled holes in bottom, added a few big rocks, and set it on a plant saucer. Since I have switched to 5 gallon cloth bags, which air better, you risk root rot, in plastic, water has no place to go except down. I am bored so Iam no pro grower, take it with a grain of salt. This site , basically can answer all, or most Questions. You tube, is a great learning tool, as its just a weed remember, I always over think shit, and have to slow down, and get it together, I had a 4 ft Blue head wreck, that I thought I would bend it low stress training well my dumb ass broke it, taped it back together, and next day was growing fine, read, read, and read. You will be surprised when you get nice harvest. The best of luck, and I would get more advice then mine. this is my first year of inside grows. Have great and safe day!
Thanks for the feedback! The feeding schedule I’m following is from this vid (if you’re interested)

I believe I likely shocked my plants with transplanting them AND giving nutrients within 24hours. looking back, I probably shouldnt have given nutes until they were transplanted and growing stable.
Get a fan so they get used to blowing around, like a natural outside day, it also helps dry that soil out, just looking at pic, looks like its very moist. I learned a very good lesson, with a bedroom turned into grow room, never thought about black mold growling, so I added two 500ml de-humidifiers, keeps my house from growing mold, and humidity at a reasonable level.
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