420 Magazine

I don’t get into these type of things, but this one hits close to home. This young man was a part of a community, he was a grower just like you and I. Maybe not part of this community, eitherway shared the same views as us. He was part of the CanFam (a community of growers that grow in beer cans) it’s sad and tragic. Out of respect for him I’ve decided to do a beer can grown dedicated to him and his honour. Are you interested?
I believe the officer has been charged with 3rd degree murder.
I never Knew any more about the subject then the brief 3 minutes they aired covering the story I caught.
And that beer can grow definitely sounds like something I can do. I am interested, never really participated in anything like this. But as you said. He was like us. A grower. And that as you say makes it more relatable. I don’t have any beer cans but I do have some soda cans. Do you have any more info on can fam? If not I can google them up later. This sounds like something I can take part in.
Thanks @Canadadoes for shining more light on the subject.
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