420 Magazine

Pat Puffer
Pat Puffer
You're a rock star! Sending good vibes.
Thank you brother
I can so relate to this. I have been down and out for the past 4 year's struggling with my back and depression and all the shit that comes with not being able to provide as a father and husband after working my ass off since I was 16yo. I stumbled upon all these beautiful people last week and after reading a lot of grows decided to sign up. I am completely overwhelmed with the welcome I have received and it has restored my faith in humanity. I needed this as I really was/am idk angry at the world. Big pat on the back to you for not taking the opoids. I tried for the first year and wish I stuck to my guns and continued with no opoids. It's not an easy thing to do say no to shitty pain meds when you're in pain. Good on ya mate
Thank you @Mvpdank for the kind words. Pain and depression go hand in hand, and it's easy to loose yourself in that haze. I understand the provider part, I've always been an earner/provider since a 15~16yrs of age as well, now many days I've felt like a leech. It was hard for me to accept help, even harder to admit I need(ed) help with my mental health. But there is solace in knowing that in this community, there's always people who understand and face similar circumstances. That being said, feel free to reach out to me anytime....we're all in this together
Thankyou so much and same goes. Not sure how much help I would be to anyone but I do understand and have only noticed now how that in itself can be helpful. Looking forward to happier day's aHEAD
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