420 Magazine

Hash Hound
Hash Hound
I just saw this Roots. When I first started growing I was using OC+ with organic soil, teas, bloom boosters. I grew some good bud that way.
Well I have ended up still doing a wick system. I noticed you are doing and organic and altered version of a wick system, SIP. I also saw where you are using Dr.Earth organic ferts. I have gone Organic for several years because of my water issues and have never done better. However my mix starts with Sunshine all purpose and I add a group of ferts sort of a cheaper, simpler Burn one method. Still I mix some 8 different additives. I also cut my Sunshine with 2 parts perlite. I note you use a base organic soil mix, do you add anything to make it a less wet medium? Does your base organic soil have a lot of fert mixed in from the bag? Almost forgot, thinking about using a cup of each of the Dr. Earth products you mentioned as my base mix without Poultry manure, Bone meal and wood ash is almost without nutrients.
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