4000 watt

  1. D

    Less watts needed for veg than flower?

    Hey everybody, I've got a rookie question for you guys, but I've got to share some details before I ask... I'm planning a 4000 watt room. I've decided to aim for 1 big harvest (started from seed), and to forgo the hassle of setting up a perpetual harvest. I'm looking to grow only 8 or 9...
  2. D

    SCROG versus tomato cages for training huge trees indoors

    Hey everybody, I've got a question here for the monster growers. This question is aimed at fellow members who scoff at the notion of a ScrOG possessing any more than 4 plants per screen... So... I have a vision of a 4,000 watt room. It will have 8 or 9 plants total. (15 gallon soil pots)...
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