
  1. Ron Strider

    CA: Atascadero Bans Marijuana Shops, But Can Still Grow Pot Garden & Get Deliveries

    Atascadero residents will soon be able to have recreational marijuana delivered to their homes and grow plants in their own yards, but the city remains closed for business when it comes to dispensaries. City Council members on Tuesday night voted unanimously to pass an ordinance regulating...
  2. R

    CA: Atascadero Planning Commission Talks Medical Marijuana Cultivation

    Atascadero is going back to the drawing board to reconsider a recent ban on all medical marijuana cultivation. That drawing board, however, is a bit small. On March 1, the city Planning Commission considered a draft ordinance that would permit limited personal cultivation within the city. The...
  3. R

    California: Atascadero Bans Medical Marijuana Cultivation

    Atascadero has become the final city in the county to officially ban medical marijuana cultivation facilities in the city – including at-home growth. The Atascadero City Council unanimously approved a ban Tuesday night that prohibits marijuana cultivation facilities, marijuana dispensaries...
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