
  1. Ron Strider

    Tragically Hip Strikes Partnership With Medical Marijuana Company

    The Tragically Hip says it's partnering with a medicinal marijuana producer to contribute "creatively to their efforts." The iconic Canadian rock band says it's teaming up with the company Newstrike, which it calls "a perfect fit" for the band. In a statement on social media, the group...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    OR: Area Ballot Measures Target Marijuana

    The Deschutes County Clerk reported one ballot measure from Bend, two from La Pine and one from a road district. A fifth measure from a road district was still pending a challenge period. - Bend's measure calls for imposing a 3 percent tax on recreational marijuana sold in the city. If...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    IL: Free Prisoners From Pot Convictions

    Galesburg, Ill. Two recent events concerning imprisonment now lead to two key questions. Gov. Bruce Rauner on July 30 signed a bipartisan measure decriminalizing marijuana in Illinois, and Pres. Barack Obama on Aug. 3 commuted sentences for 214 inmates, mostly nonviolent offenders. So...
  4. PTSDgrower

    Bud Factor X Terpinator & Madfarmer N.U.T.S. & Fulpower

    wondering if anyone has experience with these nutes. Bud factor x calls for about 7ml/gallon and terpinator calls for 10-30/gallon. Fulpower calls for 10-30ml/gallon at .012% humic acid and mad fad farmer n.u.t.s. call for 5-10 ml/gal. Thanks for you input.
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