cannabis autoflower

  1. Carmen Ray

    Cocktail Hour in Carmen's Kitchen

    Cocktail Hour In Carmen's Kitchen🍸 (you'll always find me in the kitchen at parties) Welcome to my breakaway from the upcoming guyz and galz grow off. Here's where I'll be reporting on my latest grow in more detail than I will there and I will be growing three strains as follows. The MAC #1...
  2. Carmen Ray

    Organic Auto Growers re Germination Methods

    Hello fellow gardeners, I am toying with the idea of popping seeds directly in soil. It's how I used to do it until I got soft and moved to paper towel 😅 I grow organic, and there is a strong argument for promoting optimal microbial activity from day 1 by planting direct. However, I don't...
  3. LostCoastAutos

    Hi, I'm Jon aka Lostcoastautos - Photographer and Grower

    Hello growmies. My name is Jon, I go by Lostcoastautos on the internet. I'm a Humboldt County local who has been working on grows since I was a teenager. Over a decade. I started my first indoor grow in early 2023. I'm the sole cultivator of said grow and really enjoy growing awesome autoflowers...
  4. Gelato auto 2

    Gelato auto 2

    17 Days above ground.
  5. Gelato auto 1 first pistils

    Gelato auto 1 first pistils

    First pistils
  6. Parmesan auto 1 first pistils

    Parmesan auto 1 first pistils

    First pistils
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