
  1. Ron Strider

    CA: Churches Offer Marijuana To Members, Feature Pot-Smoking Jesus In Ads

    Two churches in San Jose that offer its members marijuana are being scrutinized by the city. Authorities say the churches are fronts for illegal dispensaries. Inside Coachella Valley Church you'll find pews, an altar and pictures of Jesus. But you'll also find lighting up is encouraged. We...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    CA: Coachella Medical Marijuana Operation One Step Closer

    Coachella, Ca. - Ajax Auto Wrecking has been operating in the City of Coachella for over 50 years. But the current owners, Paul Pavo and John Kearney say they're making way for a new industry, marijuana. For Pavo, the decision didn't come easy, "We've enjoyed being here in Coachella and...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Coachella Expected To Approve Cannabis Cultivation Declaration

    Coachella, California - The Coachella City Council is expected today to adopt a mitigated negative declaration for a proposed medical cannabis cultivation facility, a necessary step for the city to secure a foothold in the legal cannabis industry. Approval of the declaration would mean the city...
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